Monday, June 4, 2007


Let me start of by being blunt. Being sick sucks balls. Simple.

I've been sick for the past 2 weeks. I'm getting a little better but it's still not fast enough.

It all started with a soar throat and then that led to severe congestion. I went to the doctors and got a prescription but I'm not sure if that's going to be good enough.

I'm proud to say that I didn't let this stop me from going out. I went to disneyland and then partied it up some more in San Francisco.

I know I could've done a lot more to get better but I guess I wasn't thinking right. Oh well, hope you guys don't get sick.

Sickness sucks!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Semi-Pro pics for work

Sorry about the wait. I've been busy with finals for college and such so wasn't able to update.

Anyways, here are some pics I took for work. I guess this is called product photography? I don't know. I had to take pics of products for our essential collections. Since most of these are just part numbers rather than actual picture attached to them, I had to do the dirty work, per se. But they didn't turn out too bad, considering I was using a crappy HP Photosmart R717 camera which works sometimes and other times it's possesed.

BTW, the pictures on the black reflective material is all my brain at work! Hope you guys like it.

So here are the pics. All of these are for BMW motorcycles.

Now this is a pic of the brakes pads.

This is of the headlight bulb.

This last one I did for fun...just to see how well I can take a pic with the HP camera. Of course, this is not a BMW part. Just in case...

More updates coming soon!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Meet me at the "Grind House"

No, not that kind of grind house... Anyways, about the movie. Well, the movie was cheesy, grainy, kind of bad acting, lack of a real good plot...basically everything that makes this movie awesome!

This movie was so fun to watch that I couldn't dare to describe it. All I will say is this, if you think the zombie horror flicks of the 80s sucked so bad that they were really good to watch, then watch this movie.

Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror:

First of all, Rose McGowan was hot! Second...the twin sisters were even hotter! Simple. Now to the actual story. The story was kind of cheesy, as expected, but entertaining none the less. The action was awesome. All the explosions and gun action is exactly what I expected from Rodriguez. What made the movie really cool was some cheesy but funny one-liners and some of the dumbest yet funniest things that I've seen some characters do in a long time. I don't want to give anything away but the Twin sisters come to mind.

I will give Planet Terror: 7.5/10

Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof:

This movie started off really slow. The first half hour it seemed was all about these stupid girls talking about dumb stuff like getting high and other dumb things. Couldn't care less about that but finall when Snake...err...I mean Kurt Russel shows up things get interesting. As usual the the chicks were kind of hot but they were wearing short-shorts so that could've clouded my judgement. =) Anyways, the first batch of girls get what's coming to them and then we move on to Rosario Dawson's character and her pals. Those chicks are loads of fun and ballsy, very ballsy. You'll find out what I'm talking about when you see tho movie. The driving scene with Kurt and Rosario's friend is one of the best in a long time. Pure action! The ending is great but I won't give it away. All I will say is this, it's really sad when a alpha male gets his ass beat by a bunch of chicks...LOL

I will give Death Proof: 8/10 ...could have scored better if it wasn't for the excessive talking in the beginning.

Overall though I would give this movie a 8.75/10

Why? Because the movie themselves were great but the added movie "prevues" were awesome. I still can't get over FuManChu and Machete! LOL

Friday, April 13, 2007

CL65 AMG - Teh Sexzy

Let me just start this off wit this. This car is F**king hot! The interior is just drop dead gorgeous. In all honesty, I think this is the most luxurious looking interior I've seen from any new car.

Now, only if MB would let me test drive this car. Sure, I can go to MB Showroom and ask them to let me test drive one but they're going to laugh at me hysterically or look at me like I'm stupid. I wish things could change where everyone is welcome to drive these cars but we live in a time where money talks. I ain't got money, so I'm pretty much out of luck. Oh well, from what I can see, this car is going to sell out fast.

Last thoughts: Get your self a good job and make some money so you can afford expensive you didn't know that already.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tiger Attack!

This is what happens when people drink and have fun...LOL Anyways, this was a night where my cousin came to hang out with me and my gf. I have that tiger you see there so we decided to have some fun and take some pics. This is just one pic with the tiger.

In case you're wondering, I'm the guy at the bottom who is getting attacked. It was a fun night, finished some JD and ate some Round Table's. The JD didn't do much to us though, just a little buzz. The pizza had a lot of meat but the best part was the barbecue sauce. Next time I make pizza I will definitely use bbq sauce.

Lesson I've learned? JD is weak, should stick to Crown Royal.

Ze First Post.

Don't exactly know what to put, but since this is the first post, I'll try to make it juicy.

Topic? Formula 1

Did anyone see the race this weekend? I hope so. This race was very fun thanks to Lewis Hamilton making a fool out of Massa. Don't get me wrong because I'm a ferrari fan this year; I'm a Kimi fan. It's just funny to watch Massa make such childish mistakes on the track. He got juked/schooled (whichever you prefer) by a rookie.

Also, the fight that was going on in with the mid-runners was good as well. I have to hand it to BMW for doing a really good job this year.

On that note, Ron Dennis needs to shut the hell up. I don't know if he remembers or not but this is racing. Everyone is out for themselves with hundreds of millions at stakes, so he has no right to criticize anyone's race strategy.

Allright folks, that's it for today.

Just want to give a shout to my boys at