Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ze First Post.

Don't exactly know what to put, but since this is the first post, I'll try to make it juicy.

Topic? Formula 1

Did anyone see the race this weekend? I hope so. This race was very fun thanks to Lewis Hamilton making a fool out of Massa. Don't get me wrong because I'm a ferrari fan this year; I'm a Kimi fan. It's just funny to watch Massa make such childish mistakes on the track. He got juked/schooled (whichever you prefer) by a rookie.

Also, the fight that was going on in with the mid-runners was good as well. I have to hand it to BMW for doing a really good job this year.

On that note, Ron Dennis needs to shut the hell up. I don't know if he remembers or not but this is racing. Everyone is out for themselves with hundreds of millions at stakes, so he has no right to criticize anyone's race strategy.

Allright folks, that's it for today.

Just want to give a shout to my boys at Germancarzone.com

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